Saturday, July 19, 2008

If I Grew Up in Korea ...

**** There’s a chance I would be saving up or already had plastic surgery on my eyes. My birth mother did it to have “double eyelids” like Americans and apparently about 50% of Koreans have plastic surgery on something

*** I wouldn’t be obsessed with being tan b/c here… Pale is popular. You can go to a beauty shop and find cosmetics to make you actually look whiter!

*** I wouldn’t be shocked for only paying $8.00 to go to a doctor AND get a prescription of great drugs. I paid W3,500 for the doctor visit which took about 3 minutes then paid W3,800 for a prescription (I had strep throat and a 100.5 temp... dang those kids and their germs!)

*** I would care much more about my outward appearance since most Koreans (men and women) are very concerned with looking good all the time

*** I might have a t-shirt with random American words that make no sense (or with a bizarre saying) but that I feel cool in… my favorite so far, “I left on Vacation and came back on Probation” in big letters on a long baby-t

*** I wouldn’t think it is weird to drink “Aloe” vs. putting it on sunburn

*** I might get the “magic perm” – aka – perm for straight hair once a year to go along with my pale skin

*** I’d probably be living at home still since I’m not married (w/ my brother who’s 25)

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