**4-5yr old American age kids - having fun and being goofy... but it wont last long!**
A discussion I had in my Elite class of students sparked my interested in getting further research. We were talking about education and how it works in Korea. The kids I was speaking to were the best students at my Academy – they come to YBM from 4:25-7:35 on Tuesday and Thursday to study CNN Current Events, TOEFL, and Debate. In addition, they play piano, violin, and study other subjects after school during the week.
Why I am not a fan of the Korean Education System
1. The Korean saying "Sleep five hours and fail, sleep four hours and pass" is taken seriously
Physical Education isnt considered a “priority” – only Math, Science, Korean, Social Studies, and English
2. They go to school every other Saturday
3. Almost every night, they go to “hagwons” to get extra tutoring in Math, Science, or English- aka they go to school all day and go to school at night as late as midnight! ---- then they have to do all their homework!
4. There are too many exams to determine futures- and thus putting too much stress on a elementary school-high school students
Suicide is the 2nd leading cause of death in Korean Teenagers (wikipedia) to car collisions
5. You move up by grade according to your AGE not ability/skills
6. You get into college based SOLEY on the College Scholastic Ability Test (like ACT except much worse) --- each university has a score you need to get. You don’t get the score, you don’t get in… no if’s and’s or but’s about it. Apparently, some kids start preparing for it as early as Kindergarten
7. Test scores are more important that personality or skills = a world of objectivity
8. Apparently Objectivity could cause “opportunities for corruption (wikipedia)”
9. The Education Tree (American age in parentheses)
--- Kindy: 5-7yrs old (4-6)
--- Elementary 8-13 yrs old (7-12)
--- Middle: 14-16yrs old (13-15)
--- High school: 17-19yrs old (16-18)
--- College: 20-24 yrs old (women), 20-26 yrs old (men) (19-23/19-25 men go to military from 22-24 yrs old
So, I gotta wonder what kind of education I would’ve had if I stayed here. My family was/is poor and my brother didn’t go to college (apparently he didn’t think he needed to- not sure if he ever applied).
**Would I buckle under the pressure or work my tush off and become a workaholic, stressed out person at the age of 9?
**What educated me more, my “classroom hours” or my “extra curricular hours” growing up?
I don’t agree with all the education tactics in America but I sure do like its system better – gym class is required, it believes in subjectivity AND objectivity, no school on Saturday… and most important I had the ability to be a KID and have a life outside homework!
Plus, I think playing sports/extra curricular activities gives students a chance to LEARN and BE EDUCATED in other ways!