Thursday, August 7, 2008

Pee-Pee vs. Shee Shee

(Hye Lim (Brother's Girlfriend) and I at Palgukjeong - top of mountain w/ great view of Seoul)

Tonight I had an intellectual conversation with my birth mother, brother, his girlfriend, and Jamie (our English speaking friend). We talked about “dong” which is “poop” in Korean and I taught them some very important English words – “pee pee” and “poop.” I phonetically broke down how to say the word “poop” which was the first time in my life I’ve had to do that. Then my birth mom was sitting saying “pee pee” and “p – oo – p” quietly to herself to practice… Needless to say we were all laughing hysterically.

In Korea to say “pee-pee” it’s “shee shee” because that’s what it sound like coming out.

I’m 26 years old (27 in Korea) and the “pee pee” and “poop” conversations/jokes still never get old :)

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